Course curriculum

    1. Supporting Your Clients Through Non-Attachment Therapy (NAT)

    2. Message from The Instructor

    3. How well do you experience change?

    4. Therapeutic Questions for a NAT Practitioner

    1. Preparing for the Session with Your Client

    2. Opening Therapeutic Moments Quiz

    1. Stages of Change Diagram

    2. Stages of Change Quiz

    1. Introduction to Working Well

    2. Working Well: Stitch #4

    3. Working Well: Stitch #4 PDF

    4. Working Well Quiz

    1. What is Motivational Interviewing (MI)?

    2. Motivational Interviewing Pocket Guide ReM(i) Culture

    3. Motivational Interviewing Quiz Question #1

    1. Assessing Capacity

    2. Change Readiness Quiz

About this course

  • $999.00
  • 54 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

ReM(i) stands for REalistic M(i)nimalism

A small steps methodology for self-healing.